1. Car travel:
X Yes __No Dog did not attempt to exit until given the appropriate command
X Yes __No Dog was under control while exiting car and immediately after
X Yes __No Dog did not interfere with or become distracted by a passing dog
2. Approaching a building:
X Yes __No Dog was calm around moving cars
X 1 2 __3 __4 Dog remained in a heel position on a loose leash
X 1 2 __3 __4 When handler stopped the dog also stopped
__1 X 2 __3 __4 Dog did not attempt to greet or sniff others
X 1 __2 __3 __4 Dog did not attempt to eliminate unless specifically cued to do so
3. Entering a building:
X Yes __No Dog entered building in a controlled manner using a manual door
X Yes __No Dog entered building in a controlled manner using an automatic door
4. Moving through a store with distractions:
__1 X 2 __3 __4 Dog remained in heel position on a loose leash or calmly in place
__1 X 2 __3 __4 Dog was focused on handler
X Yes __No Dog did not brush against or topple any merchandise
X Yes __No Dog was not bothered by shopping carts and other distractions
5. Grocery Store:
X 1 __2 __3 __4 Dog was calm and kept pace alongside handler pushing shopping cart
X 1 __2 __3 __4 Dog did not sniff any food products or people
X Yes __No Dog remained calm around shopping carts and people
6. High-distraction behaviors:
X Yes __No Dog did not break the stay, startle or vocalize during the step-over
X Yes __No Dog tolerated contact from the child
X Yes __No Dog did not break its position during contact with the child
X Yes __No Dog was largely focused on handler during contact with the child
__Yes X No Dog successfully tucked its tail
7. Mass transit: (not yet tested)
__1 __2 __3 __4 Dog boarded and exited public transportation calmly
__1 __2 __3 __4 Dog remained in position without disturbing others
8. Restaurants:
__1 X 2 __3 __4 Dog successfully ignored food or crumbs on restaurant floor
X 1 __2 __3 __4 Dog remained in position out of the way of others
X 1 2 __3 __4 Dog did not beg, sniff, or create a disturbance in the restaurant
X Yes __No Dog did not break its position during the dropped food challenge
X Yes __No Dog did not sniff the dropped food item
X Yes __No Dog did not try to consume the dropped food item
9. Bathrooms:
X Yes __No Dog entered the bathroom without obvious fear
X Yes __No Dog remained in position while handler washed his/her hands
X 1 __2 __3 __4 Dog did not whine or peek into adjacent stalls
10. Elevators:
X 1 __2 __3 __4 Dog entered, rode the elevator without fear, and exited appropriately
11. Escalators (NOTE: This part of the test is optional):
__Yes __No Dog got on the escalator without incident
__Yes __No Dog rode the escalator calmly
__Yes __No Dog got off the escalator in a controlled manner
X Yes __No Dog climbed stairs with handler in a controlled manner
Off lead recall with distraction:
X Yes __No Dog came immediately to the handler without hesitation or distraction
X 1 __2 __3 __4 Dog walked confidently on a variety of surfaces
15. Basic commands:
X 1 __2 __3 __4 Dog sat on command
X 1 __2 __3 __4 Dog laid down on command
16. Team relationship:
X 1 __2 __3 __4 Handler positively reinforced dog when commands were followed correctly
X 1 __2 __3 __4 Dog was confident, relaxed, and friendly
X 1 2 __3 __4 Dog was under the handler’s control
The team must score a 1 or a 2 on all 1-2-3-4 parts of the test. The team must score “yes” 80% of
the time on the yes/no parts of the test. There are 24 such items, so the team must score “yes” on at
least 19 items if all optional items are included.Result from test: PASS!!!!! However we still need to work on the buses in our area