Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wal-Mart and Costco public training

Well 2 days ago we began training in Selik's brand new vest.  Our first stop was Wal-mart. This was his first time entering through automatic doors, but he seemed unfazed.  This was his first time in a store and over all he did great!  When he saw the shopping cart for the first time he let out one little muffled 'woof' and after that was silent.

Today we took an adventure into a crowded and busy Costco.  I prepared for the worst with the Holt head collar, and harness vest.  I wanted/thought I needed complete control of him in such a busy area but he did wonderful!  completely unfazed by the people around him.  We even went in the meet isle and he was fine! didn't sniff or lick anything(not that I would have let him eat or lick anything anyway lol)

Over all he has been doing wonderful with his public training and is a major kid attraction.

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